
Preşedintele Bush şi Preşedintele ales, Obama, privind publicul lipit de gard


Pe terasa dinspre Rose Garden


Fotografii de ERIC DRAPER – White House

Preşedintele George Walker Bush şi Preşedintele ales, Barack Hussein Obama, au avut, ieri, o întrevedere între patru ochi în Biroul Oval, în care Preşedintele Americii i-a împărtăşit succesorului câteva secrete de stat. Tranziţia va fi completată de întâlniri între echipele celor doi preşedinţi, echipa Preşedintelui Bush urmând să o instruiască pe cea a viitorului Preşedinte, Obama, cu privire la oficiile lor.

Singurele declaraţii au fost ale purtătoarei de cuvânt ale Casei Albe, Dana Perino. Cei doi preşedinţi nu au făcut declaraţii de presă, aşa cum s-a întâmplat după întâlnirea din 2000 a Preşedintelui William Jefferson Clinton cu Preşedintele ales, George Walker Bush. Barack Obama a declarat, la plecare, că fotografiile sunt cele care trebuie lăsate să vorbească de la sine.


Foto: Eric Draper


Foto: JOYCE N. BOGHOSIAN – White House

În timpul întrevederii celor doi Preşedinţi, cele două Prime Doamne, actuala, Laura Bush şi viitoarea, Michelle Obama, s-au întreţinut într-o încăpere privată din Casa Albă.


  1. julia Says:

    oops! 🙂 au disparut promisiunile lui Hussein de pe site-ul lui….HA-HA-HAHAHAAAAAA-HAHAHA-AAAAAAAAA!!! era sa ‘leasin’ de ris!

    YES, WE CAN! conn all hte millions that voted for Hussein!
    Cea mai nenorocita propunere este aici cu garda civila! Sper sa nu paota s-o duca la implinie…..SPER! Remember Waco, Texas!

  2. Marius Mina Says:

    Bush a fost o catastrofa, asta va fi un dezastru….!

  3. Rabbi Schtrudell Says:

    De fapt, ce inaugurare o sa aiba Kunta Kinte asta de se vand bilete la scoruri asa mari?! „Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., also said she’s crafting a bill that would make a federal crime of selling tickets to the historic event Jan. 20.”…pretul poate ajunge si la 40k pe ebay, dupa estimarile unora.

  4. Felicia Mandrea Says:

    @Roxana & toti ceilalti din mass media romaneasca:

    Dragutilor, pana cand va vi inaugurat la 20 Ianuarie 2009, statutul lui Obama este PRESIDENT-ELECT. Numai DUPA CE DEPUNE JURAMANTUL DIN 20 Ianuarie la ora 12 noon EST, numai DUPA ACEEA Obama devine US President. PANA LA 20 IANUARIE ORA 12 NOON EST TOT G.W. BUSH ESTE PRESEDINTELE USA.

  5. octavpelin Says:

    O intrevedere intre un presedinte republican,G,W.Bush jr.,care conform uzantelor diplomatice l-a primit in vizita cu sotia ,pe Barack Hussein Obama,caruia ii va preda cheile de la Casa Alba,pe data de 20.01.2009!

  6. cenushares Says:

    al dracu’ armean … a fotografiat’o pe michelle in contralumina ca sa para si mai neagra decat este … 🙂

  7. Marius Mina Says:

    Mai cenusharesule , rasist esti taicule…;-)
    Mai neagra de-atat n-are cum sa iasa ,in contre jour mai are o scuza cel putin.

  8. Roxana Iordache Says:

    @julia. Era normal să-i dispară promisiunile. Nici n-are cum să le ţină. Nici pe-aia cu Gitmo. Unde să-i ducă pe deţinuţi, la Casa Albă, să-i ţină de urât? :mrgreen:

    @Marius Mina. Pe plan extern a făcut ce trebuie. Obama va fi şi mai dur. Se-anunţă ploaie peste Iran. :mrgreen:

    @Rabbi Schtrudell. Chiar Gabi @din Chicago, fana lui Obama, ne-a scris aseară că „ăştia au înebunit de tot” cu preţul biletelor pentru inaugurare. Obamania sminteşte omenirea. :mrgreen:

    @Felicia Mandrea. Şi n-a fost clar din ce am scris?!

    @octavpelin. O întâlnire foarte utilă. Îl ajută să le explice alegătorilor lui că atunci când le-a făcut anumite promisiuni nu cunoştea situaţia. :mrgreen:

    @cenushares. Oaspeţii au spus singuri că deocamdată stau în conul de umbră. :mrgreen:

    @Marius Mina. 😆

  9. YODA BLOG Says:

    Chiar daca nu-l simpatizez chiar atat de mult pe Obama, parca are mai multa demnitate decat Bush.

  10. Felicia Mandrea Says:

    @ Roxana: Tu dejal-ai facut presedinte pe Obama, dar adevaru e ca acum si pana la 20 Ianuarie 2009 el este President-elect, ceea ce nu inseamna ca este presedintele USA Tor George W. Bush este PRESEDINTELE DE JURE SI DE FACTO AL AMERICII pana in in 20 Ianuarie 2009!

  11. Felicia Mandrea Says:

    Un „President-elect” (care de fapt nu are nici o putere de decizie si ca atare inca nu poate influenta absolut nimic –chiar daca isi are echipa angajata in procesul de tranzitie– fara acordul presedintelui in exercitiu, George W. Bush) NU ESTE EGAL cu Presedintele (in exercitiu) al USA; dar voi cei din Romania deja puneti incorect semnul de egalitate.

  12. Felicia Mandrea Says:


    Sunt destul de multe actiuni concrete de coruptie. precum si minciuni si inadvertente deja binecunoscute din trecutul lui Obama, pe care, daca ai fi avut bunavointa sa le fi aflat, le stiai deja. Mai degraba ai bias pro-Obama, care te face sa judeci persoanele intr-un mod atat de denaturat, dar mai ales ERONAT.
    Chestia asta de a deriva onestitatea sau demnitatea cuiva numai prin prizma aparentelor este gresita, datfiind cat de inselatoare sunt aparentele.

  13. din Chicago Says:

    Legat de „bilete”. Pina in acest moment nu exista bilete; ele vor fi oferite gratis congresmenilor care au dreptul sa le ofere invitatilor lor.(SI SINT GRATIS PRIN LEGE) Ce este on-line acum sint excrocherii. Au spus aseara pe toate canalele (CNN, FOXNEWS, MSNBC +canalele locale), sa nu cumpere nimeni asa zisele bilete on-line. Oricum ceva se vinde on-line si un singur bilet a ajuns sa coste $40K! Daca prostia nu doare macar sa usture la punga…
    Dar eu daca as avea $40k sa cumpar un bilet, mai bine as dona banii, vor fi multi copii care nu vor avea un Craciun anul acesta.

    Aici trebue sa fiu de acord cu Roxana, Obamania a scapat rau haturile!

  14. din Chicago Says:

    De data asta nu sint partizana nimanui, si nu comentez nici pro nici contra. Una din problemele discutate ieri la intilnire a fost legat de cei 3 giganti ai industriei automobileleor: GM, FORD and CHRYSLER:

    „President-elect Barack Obama urged President Bush to support billions of dollars in aid for the struggling auto industry during the upcoming lame-duck session of Congress, according to three officials briefed on the meeting.” „The officials said Bush privately expressed skepticism about taxpayer money for automakers on the heels of a string of government bailouts for other industries, and the president also urged Obama to help push through a free trade pact with Colombia – a key legacy item for the outgoing administration that is facing stiff resistance from Democrats on Capitol Hill.” „The officials familiar with the meeting said Obama made the case that dramatic action needs to be taken this year – rather than after he is sworn into office – because the Big Three U.S. automakers are bleeding cash at an alarming rate.

    One of the officials noted that about one in ten jobs in America are tied to the auto industry, and if one of the companies goes bankrupt it could have a massive spillover effect into the credit industry and other sectors. “The numbers are so staggering,” said the official. “It’s a huge piece of the financial fabric of the country.””
    „The senior Bush administration official said the White House is “open to ideas from Congress to accelerate funds they’ve already appropriated” to help the auto industry.

    But the administration official said support would come “as long as funding will continue to go to viable firms and with strong taxpayer protections” linked to the auto industry aid.

    An official in the auto industry told CNN that bringing the Colombian pact into the negotiations could be a poison pill that prevents passage of an auto industry package. But a senior Democratic aide suggested Congress may be willing to call Bush’s bluff and try to pass an auto industry aid package without the trade deal.

    The senior aide said Democrats do not believe “this president wants to add the demise of GM to his legacy list.””

  15. din Chicago Says:

    Palin intr-un interviu acordat ieri to FOXNEWS, si-a anuntat intentia de acndida la alegerile prezidentiale din 2012. Interesant este si stirea ca la intilnirea din Miami. McCain nu a fost invitat!

    As Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin heads to Florida to attend the Republican Governors Association annual conference in Miami, she says she’d consider a run for the White House in 2012 or beyond.

    Less than one week after the victory by Barack Obama and Joe Biden over the GOP ticket in the presidential election, John McCain’s running mate is speaking out about her political future in national politics.

    „Don’t let me miss the open door. Show me where the open door is and even if it’s cracked up a little bit, maybe I’ll just plow right on through that and maybe prematurely plow through it, but don’t let me miss an open door. And if there is an open door in ’12 or four years later, and if it is something that is going to be good for my family, for my state, for my nation, an opportunity for me, then I’ll plow through that door,” Palin said in an interview with Fox News Monday.

    De asemenea, Palin a fost extrem de critica la adresa administratiei Bush, si o considera vinovata de infringerea suferita:

    Sarah Palin told local reporters in Alaska that unhappiness with the Bush administration’s Iraq war policy and spending record were responsible for the GOP ticket’s defeat this year.

    “I think the Republican ticket represented too much of the status quo, too much of what had gone on in these last eight years, that Americans were kind of shaking their heads like going, wait a minute, how did we run up a $10 trillion debt in a Republican administration?” Palin told the Anchorage Daily News and Alaska’s KTUU Channel 2.

    “How have there been blunders with war strategy under a Republican administration? If we’re talking change, we want to get far away from what it was that the present administration represented and that is to a great degree what the Republican Party at the time had been representing. So people desiring change I think went as far from the administration that is presently seated as they could. It’s amazing that we did as well as we did.”

  16. din Chicago Says:

    Starea de spirit din GOP inaintea intilnirii de miine din Miami:

    WASHINGTON – One week after the Republicans were routed in the presidential election, the fight is on over who will be the new leaders of the party. Republicans are debating how to position themselves ideologically and how aggressively to take on President-elect Barack Obama.

    The competition to fill the vacuum left by Senator John McCain ’s defeat — and by the unpopularity of President Bush as he prepares to leave office — will be on full display at a Republican Governors Association meeting beginning Wednesday in Miami.

    The session will showcase a roster of governors positioning themselves as leaders or future presidential candidates, including Sarah Palin of Alaska, Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, Charlie Crist of Florida, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Haley Barbour of Mississippi and Mark Sanford of South Carolina.

    At the same time, Republicans representing diverse views about the party’s direction are preparing to fight for the chairmanship of the Republican National Committee , a prominent post when the party is out of the White House. The current chairman, Mike Duncan, has signaled that he wants to stay on after his term expires in January, but he is facing challenges from leaders in Florida, Mississippi and South Carolina, among other states.

    Mr. Duncan was installed by Mr. Bush, and the fight over his post reflects the effort by many party leaders to erase any remnant of the Bush legacy.

    These struggles come as the party prepares for a broad ideological battle, in particular over how much to emphasize social issues like opposition to abortion rights and gay rights. Party leaders said the focus on those issues had constricted the party’s appeal to moderate and independent voters more interested in jobs, health care, education and other issues that touch their lives in more concrete ways.

    “We can’t be obsessed with issues that are not the issues that are important to American voters,” said Jim Greer, the Florida Republican chairman and a likely candidate for national party leader.

    Across the party, Republicans described this period as one of the toughest in recent history, reflected by the scope of the losses last Tuesday but also by the recriminations that have gripped the party as it seeks to learn lessons from Mr. McCain’s defeat and Mr. Bush’s presidency.

    “I hope we are going to stop the infighting and the backbiting and move forward as a party,” said Katon Dawson, the South Carolina chairman, who is a potential candidate for party chairman. “There’s anger about losing the majorities in 2006 and losing the White House and suffering a political tsunami of proportions that are very resemblant of the 1992 election. But that is what encourages me. America often takes a step back and sees the other side.”

    This is hardly the first party to have been left sapped and divided by a losing presidential campaign. But the scale of the party’s difficulties appears particularly daunting as the Bush era seems to be ending and no obvious leader is waiting in the wings.

    “We need to be honest about the level of failure for the past eight years and why Republican government didn’t succeed,” said Newt Gingrich , the former House speaker, who has played an increasingly assertive role in the debate over the party’s future. “Otherwise, we’ll get back in power again and do the same things again.”

    In another year, Mr. McCain might have continued to lead the Republicans through this interim period. But he has never been particularly well-liked in his party, and his standing was seriously eroded by a campaign that was widely criticized as inept.

    Ms. Palin inspired a wave of enthusiasm from social conservatives when Mr. McCain named her as his running mate, and she has signaled that she intends to remain an influential voice in the party. But she has been forced in recent days to defend herself from criticism by unnamed McCain aides and from polls suggesting that she had hurt Mr. McCain more than she helped him.

    The extent of her interest in repairing her image and moving to the front of the line was reflected in the series of interviews she has done and her full schedule of public appearances in Miami.

  17. Roxana Iordache Says:

    @YODA BLOG. Pe ce te bazezi? Eu îl admir pe Bush, îl iubesc şi am să susţin mereu asta. Puţin îmi pasă de opinia generală. Niciodată nu am gândit colectiv. Nu spun că tu o faci. Te rog să te gândeşti dacă, totuşi, nu ţi se pare.

    @Felicia Mandrea. Dv. nici nu citiţi şi vă şi daţi cu presupusul.

    @din Chicago. Asta este responsabilitate pentru America. Industria auto are implicaţii adânci pentru economie, în general. W.Bush îl ajută pe Barry să se justifice faţă de cei care l-au votat cu privire la faptul că între promisiuni electorale şi realitatea prezidenţială poate fi uneori o prăpastie.

    Referitor la G.O.P., lăsaţi, se descurcă ei, sunt băieţi mari. 🙂

  18. Felicia Mandrea Says:

    @Roxana: Toti jurnalistii din Romania, inclusiv tu care ai titrat cu majuscule inca, PREŞEDINTELE BUSH L-A PRIMIT PE PREŞEDINTELE OBAMA”… Si mai zici ca nu citesc, ca-mi dau cu presupusul, hai las-o balta ca de fapt tu ai pus egalitatea intre ei, ceea ce nu reprezinta adevarata stare a lucrurilor; IN ACEST MOMENT, BUSH SI OBAMA NU SUNT EGALI. U.S OF AMERICA NU ARE DOI PRESEDINTI!!

    Mai bine ati face sa veniti cu untermen corespunzator.Mai bine ati citi VOI mai indeaproape cum denumeste insusi presa americana statutul lui Obama ca „prezident-elect”– articole americane postate de @din Chicago aici pe blog, de exemplu, sunt pertinente.
    De ce nu scrieti „PRESEDINTE-ALES Obama”? (Sau, daca nu va place, aunci veniti voi cu un alt termen, ca tot sunteti literati, si ca atare ati putea sa-l denumiti si in limba romana.) Acest termen ii defineste bine statutul sau pana cand, speram, va depune juramantul in January 20, 2009.

  19. Felicia Mandrea Says:

    Sorry, dar am vazut numai titlul si deja ma apucase alergia… Dar de ce nu ai scris si in titlu „presedintele ales”, la fel cum ai scris si in text? Am vazut la multi jurnalisti romani ca deja il si fac presedintele UAS pe Obama cand de fapt el nu este inca pana nu-si depune juramantul. Dupa cum am observat, jurnalistii romani, in general, fac eroarea de a
    nu scrie „presedintele ales” cand se refera la statutul actual al lui Obama, ceea ce reprezinta o grava eroare.

  20. Roxana Iordache Says:

    @Felicia Mandrea. Forget it! Era doar un titlu de efect.

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