1. Pacifist Says:

    „@Pacifistul. Cine se crede prea inteligent face prostii. :mrgreen:
    [b]Iar de ameninţat, să-l ameninţaţi pe fiul mamei dv.![/b]
    Referitor la privacy, cine o respectă nu invadează privacy-ul altora. Care înseamnă şi un computer.
    Iar dacă o gazdă te-a banat de pe blogul ei, în cazul în care ai un minim bun simţ sau ceva săntate mentală nu faci scamatorii ca să revii. Dar e clar că numai cine nu are aceste date ajunge în situaţia să fie banat. Iar forţarea accesului denotă patologie cronică.”
    1. Ca ai fost crescuta si educata in comunism, fara macar sa faci nici cel mai mic efort de corectie al comportamentului, nu mai e un secret pentru nimeni, pana si „social-democratul” marcus si-a dat seama, dar in fata mea nu poti sa ascunzi aceasta „boala” pentru ca sunt prea inteligent pentru tine si ai tai.
    2. Cand declari ca esti democrata regalista nu le bagi pumnul in gura oponentilor, nici nu-i injuri ca la usa cortului, asa cum faci tu. Daca gazda m-a banat de pe blogul ei inseamna ca este doar o comunista vopsita in regalista, altfel accepta si critica celorlalti.
    3. La capitolul sanatate mintala, cred ca esti un pacient ideal pentru psihologii din Occident, daca ti-ai asigurat „protectia” cu serviciile celui mai josnic personaj din cyberspatiu, Octav Nour, un fost informator la securitate, probabil un fost coleg de-al tau……
    PS. Eu n-am amintit de ma-ta, pentru ca am considerat ca nu e vinovata 100% de prostia ta. Oche ?
    PS2. Voi trimite o plangere pentru amenintare la atacul la viata privata prin publicarea IP-ului….Eu fac tranzactii bancare pe computer, care sunt protejate de FBI………..

  2. Marius Mina Says:

    @Pacifistule- Fuck OFF !

  3. Marius Mina Says:

    @Roxana , Jesse Jackson despre Barack Hussein Ossama: „I will cut his nuts off”


  4. Marius Mina Says:

    Jesse Jackson: Obama will end Zionist rule in America.

  5. Marius Mina Says:

    Jackson: “Zionists” will lose influence under Obama


  6. VDAlex Says:

    Salut ,

    Numele meu este Alexandru , am dat intamplator peste blogul tau acum ceva timp si de
    atunci iti urmaresc activitatea . Detin si eu la randul meu un blog sportiv inclinat mai
    mult spre partea de pariuri , predictii si analize sportive si vreau sa te intreb daca
    esti interesat de un schimb de linkuri .
    In cazul in care esti de acord , astept un mail de la tine pentru a pune la punct toate
    detaliile .

    Numai bine .

    Date de contact:
    Mail: vda@tipseri.info
    Yahoo ID : vda_tipser


  7. zasuparat Says:

    Te-am bagat in Blogroll ca doar ai luat Bulina Rosie

  8. neveu Says:

    te rog intra pe linkul meu si scrie-i lui dede si lui carco. are dede leacuri pentru limbrici fosforscenti gen kakodin. locul lor e in kakat nu aici.

  9. octavpelin Says:

    Ultima dezbatere electorala,intre cei doi candidati,democratul Barack Obama si republicanul John Mc Cain ,presarata cu multe replici acide referitoare la campaniile agresive ale celor doua stafuri.

  10. Pacifist Says:

    Wow! a ajuns Octav Nour, aka neveu, cerberul femeilor din blogosfera. Sper ca julia sau Loreley sa nu citeasca aceasta manifestatie de barbatie a santieristului, care le-a publicat pe forumuri identitatea reala si chiar detalii despre familiile lor. Un frustrat psihopat in cautare de o noua identitate pe net, de fapt o simpla cioara vopsita, a carei vopsele e atat de simplu de inlaturat…………

  11. neveu Says:

    pinochio, de la ce ti se trage frustrarea, mah?
    de la faptul ca femeia nu te vrea?
    stai la forumu lu’ „doamna” borfeley, acolo e de tine pentru ca vorbesti singur.

  12. Pacifist Says:

    Octav Nour, cine esti tu de fapt, sau mai binezis cine crezi tu ca ai fi, ca sa-mi spui tu mie ce sa fac sau ce sa zic ? Asemenea lucruri le spui celor pe care-i intretii, la tine acasa. Te-a angajat Roxana sau te-a rugat sa latri cand ma apropii de, ea sau o faci in speranta ca te va numi bodyguardul ei oficial ? Ai ajuns la varsta asta fara sa-ti dai seama cat esti de penibil.

  13. Roxana Iordache Says:

    @Pacifist. Ascultă, Psycho, „mă-ta” îi spui d-ta nefericitei care nu te-a avortat, nu îţi permiţi să te referi aşa la mama! Du-te şi tratează-te, şi lasă oamenii în pace! Dacă vrei să insulţi pe cineva, apelează la oglindă! Şi când o spargi, vezi să nu-ţi tai venele. Ai face bine să încetezi cu hărţuiala stupidă şi să nu le mai atribui altora obiceiurile d-tale smintite.

    Referitor la FBI, poate îţi explodează-n faţă ameninţarea penibilă. Pot trimite şi la State Department sutele de tentative de hacking al computerului meu pe care le-ai făcut şi toată hărţuiala de pe acest blog pe care ai ameninţat că-l închizi. Mai înainte de a fi închis blogul ăsta, ai să fii închis d-ta. Într-un sanatoriu federal, pentru că singura modalitate de a scăpa de închisoare va fi să dovedeşti că eşti grav bolnav psihic. Ai spus că vrei să mă cunoşti, dar nu cred că ţi-ai dori.

    @Marius Mina. Super!

    @VDAlex. Bun venit! Aş fi şi mai interesată, dacă mi-ai trimite un mesaj personalizat. Nu sunt băiat! 🙂 Oricum, eu te trec în blogroll, e simpatic blogul tău. Numai bine şi ţie!

    @neveu. Thanks, cred că am remedii. 🙂

    @octavpelin. Dacă era Giuliani, cred că-l făcea varză de Bruxelles pe Obama.

    @Pacifist. Autoportrete de acest gen, precum şi replicile huliganice fac parte probabil din educaţia elevată cu care îţi insulţi mama.

  14. neveu Says:

    Domnule Kako, fii bun si vezi-ti de mama dumitale, e un sfat demn de urmat in situatiile precum cea prezenta in care esti decompensat total.
    mergi la pieptul ei (rece) si da-i ce-i trebuie ca sa te simti si dumneata ….barbat;)

    Have fun ca doar dupa caterinca umblai, nu-i asa?
    Vad ca iti da roxana din plin:)

    A propos, cine e ocatv noir?

  15. Ion Instalatorul Says:


    Dupa ce te comporti ca ultima mahalagioaica si te inhaitezi cu un scatofil precum Octav Nour, tot tu te plangi de „replici huliganice” ?
    Dupa ce c-ai huzurit in regimul de trista amintire, acum te dai victima si regalista, dupa ce ca parintii tai au facut parte din aceia care l-au alungat pe rege ? Ai norocul ca prostia nu este cancerigena ca erai de mult sub perfuzii.

  16. neveu Says:

    @Ion Kakofelnicu,
    adica decompensare. doresti o recomandare catre un medic?
    Ipocrizie? stim, stim. e specialitatea casei gheorge kakodin pacifizdu din montreal 🙂

  17. Vasile Cernica Says:


    Ai un limbaj tare colorat si vad ca si Roxanei ii place. Fa si tu un mic efort din respect pentru ea si nu mai folosi limbajul pe care-l folosesti cu colegii de munca, soferii de la autobaza. Daca nu poti mai mult, nu-i nimic, nimeni nu se va supara.

  18. Roxana Iordache Says:

    @Psycho. Jeg, nu-ţi poţi da seama cât eşti de ridicol, pentru că eşti prea bolnav şi nu te tratezi. Sindromul maniaco-obsesiv netratat se soldează sinistru.

    @neveu. Când îi dai replica, parcă aţi fi una şi aceeaşi persoană. Păstrează distanţa, e un lucru sănătos.

  19. Marius Mina Says:

    A 2007 Associated Press photograph, suppressed until now, shows the school register of the child who is today known as Barack Hussein Obama but was officially listed then as Barry Soetoro, whose citizenship was listed as „Indonesian” and whose religion was listed as „Islam.” The visual evidence starkly contradicts the Obama campaign’s claim that he was not a Muslim and confirms that he is a national of at least one other country.

    In addition, it raises the highly problematic issue of what is Obama’s official name. If it turns out to Barry Soetoro, and no official change of name was ever made, Obama may face an array of charges of deception and misprision that may throw into doubt, at the very least, his fitness to run.

    Deep doubts remain about the veracity of the „certificate of live birth” image produced for his campaign by the radical left-wing Daily Kos blog. There are reports that investigative teams – from the Republican and Democratic parties as well as various intelligence agencies – are seeking out the details of his murky childhood from Kenya to Indonesia. There are indications of growing disquiet in the circles of power that the so-called „smears” may have understated the gravity of the candidate’s identity problem: he may not be American, he was not raised Christian and, it appears, he was not Barack Hussein Obama.

    The evidence of the candidate’s un-American, un-Christian upbringing is nothing new, and has been documented by bloggers as early as 2007 and by Israel Insider in our very first report on this subject in June of this year. But until now the photograph of his school record has been lacking. The image is dated from 2007 and was apparently taken to accompany an AP article that appeared in January of that year. Ironically, that article was about how Obama was rejecting the untrue charge that the public school he attended was a radical Indonesian madrassa.

    Some excerpts:

    „We will not be swift-boated,” said Obama communications director Robert Gibbs. „And we won’t take allegations that are patently untrue lying down.”

    „Obama’s mother, divorced from Obama’s father, married a man from Indonesia named Lolo Soetoro, and the family relocated to the country from 1967-71. At first, Obama attended the Catholic school, Fransiskus Assisis, where documents showed he enrolled as a Muslim, the religion of his stepfather. The document required that each student choose one of five state-sanctioned religions when registering – Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Catholic or Protestant. Gibbs said he wasn’t sure why the document had Obama listed as a Muslim.”

    Gibbs may not have been sure, but it appears that the Obama campaign made sure that this image did not see the light of day, because the photographic listing of the candidate, even as a child, as an Indonesian whose religion was Islam was worth, well, a thousand words. „Senator Obama has never been a Muslim,” Gibbs said in the article. „As a six-year-old in Catholic school, he studied the catechism.”

    That may be Gibbs’ assertion, but evidence from grown-up school chums of little Barry Soetoro indicates that he studied, and excelled in, the teachings of the Koran in the original Arabic and could recite the Shehada, the Islamic article of faith, by heart, and with a decent tune, according to the New York Times roving columnist Nicholas Kristof, to whom „Obama” remarked that the sound of the Muslim call to prayer was one of the world’s most beautiful sounds.

    The AP article quoted Iis Darmawan, 63, Obama’s kindergarten teacher, who „remembers him as an exceptionally tall and curly haired child who quickly picked up the local language and had sharp math skills. ‘He wrote an essay titled, „I Want To Become President,”‘ the teacher said.” She didn’t indicate which country he wanted to become president of.

    The AP caption reads: „This registration document, made available on Jan. 24, 2007, by the Fransiskus Assisi school in Jakarta, Indonesia, shows the registration of Barack Obama under the name Barry Soetoro into the Catholic school made by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro. The document lists Barry Soetoro as a Indonesian citizen, born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, and shows his Muslim step-father listed the boy’s religion as Islam. (AP Photo/ Tatan Syuflana)” Syuflana is a well-known and frequently published photographer, specializing in Indonesia.

    A representative of the AP confirmed that the photo is authentic.

    The most damaging revelation in the AP photo (registration required to see the large-scale image. A derived image is here.) may turn out to be the listing of his name as Barry Soetoro. It has been reported that he used the name Barack Hussein Obama and failed to mention Barry Soetoro when asked to provide any former names. (He reportedly also did not respond honestly when answering negatively to a question concerning illegal drug use, which he has since admitted.) It is believed that failure to report his previous name is not an isolated instance, and may have contributed to the perceived need to manufacture a forged birth certificate listing Obama’s preferred identity as if it were present from the start.

    The listing of Barry Soetoro as a Muslim contradicts what appears on his campaign’s Fight the Smears website, where he says that „I have never been a Muslim.” In a private meeting with Jewish leaders in February, Obama emphatically re-stated the claim, but with a bit of a twist, declaring: „I am not, nor have I ever been, a Muslim (especially an anti-American one).”

    Does the candidate protest too much here? Indeed, he is echoing language used in the 1950s by those who denied Communist ties. No one is claiming, here, that Obama is anti-American. But the image of his school registration doesn’t lie, and indicates clearly that he was registered as a Muslim, and thus, despite the claim of his spokesman, he didn’t study the catechism. Barry Soetoro studied the Koran.

    On September 29, 2008 US District Court Judge R. Barclay Surrick, the federal magistrate for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania ruled in the matter of Philip J. Berg vs Barack Hussein Obama, et al as the world was distracted by the $700 billion subprime mortgage crisis. Obama signed a breathe of relief as the mainstream media chose to ignore the question: „Can Senator Barack Hussein Obama legally seek the office of President of the United States?”

    To run for the highest office you have to be a „natural born” citizen.

    In his ruling, Judge Surrick noted that the „…cause came before the United States District Court Judge, Honorable R. Barclay Surrick on defendant Barack Hussein Obama and the Democratic National Committee’s motion to dismiss.” The order continued, „Having reviewed the motion and plaintiff’s opposition to said motion and for good cause shown, it is hereby ordered that the motion to dismiss pursuant to F.R.C.P. 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6) is denied. It is further order of this court that the following discovery is to be turned over to plaintiff within three (3) days.

    1. Obama’s „vault” version (certified copy of his „original” long version) birth certificate; and
    2. a certified copy of Obama’s Certificate of Citizenship;
    3. a certified copy of Obama’s oath of allegiance.”

    The flap began in June when National Review’s Jim Geraghty raised the question and asked the Obama Campaign to release a copy of his birth certificate in order to prove that he actually was born in the United States. (Reports had previously surfaced claiming that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother, Sarah Hussein Obama, told reporters that Obama was not born in Hawaii, but in Kenya. She reportedly told reporters that when her son, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. returned to Kenya he was accompanied by a pregnant white wife who was close to term.)

    Obama’s family did not take to Stanley Ann Dunham Obama well according to Sarah Obama because she was white. Shortly after she arrived in Kenya Stanley Ann decided to return to Hawaii because she did not like how Muslim men treated their wives in Kenya. However, because she was near term the airline would not let her fly until after the birth of her baby. Obama’s grandmother said the baby was born in Kenya and that shortly after Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. was born, Stanley Ann returned to Hawaii.

    Purportedly, when she arrived back in Hawaii, Stanley Anne registered her son’s live birth as an event which had just happened—in Hawaii. This supposition is based on the appearance, shortly after Nov. 6, 2007, of a Hawaiian birth certificate that was issued, as a duplicate birth certificate, by the State of Hawaii to a US Senator who requested it.

    While the Internet screamed that the birth certificate, which appeared on the Obama Campaign’s „Fight The Smears” website and was also downloaded and used by far left blogger Markos Zuniga on his website, Daily Kos, it was not an electronic image concocted by Daily KOs as was hypothesized by a self-described cyvbersleuth who uses the cyber pseudonym Techdude. It was the real McCoy—even if it was issued as a political favor to a prospective Democratic presidential candidate by a Democrat official in Hawaii. The county clerk who issued the document, which purports to be a copy of an original document, was date stamped „Nov. 6, 2007” on the reverse side of the birth certificate in blue ink which bled through and is visible on the front of the electronic image.

    The story goes on to say that Obama’s grandmother, half sister and half brother all say he was born in Kenya. They have no reason to lie- quite the reverse.

    So now will the so-called guardians of our freedom – ha ha ha – the main media of the world, start to earn their inflated salaries and investigate these seemingly well researched claims? Don’t hold your breath, as Obama is both a Democrat and utterly politically correct. Therefore he must be perfect…..AF.


  20. Marius Mina Says:


  21. Roxana Iordache Says:

    @zasuparat. Bun venit! Spune-le vizitatorilor mei că Bulina roşie e pe site-ul tău o bilă albă, că altfel cine ştie ce înţeleg, aşa cum m-a dus şi pe mine gândul iniţial. Sper că ai aterizat cu bine la mine în blogroll. 🙂

    Am dat linkul la postarea ta în care m-ai premiat. 🙂 Ca să se lămurească vizitatorii mei şi să te viziteze şi pe tine.

    18 Octombrie

    @Marius Mina. God!

  22. julia Says:

    buna Roxana. Am intrat sa-ti spun o poanta buna. ieri seara am vazut un comentator la BBC citind un mesaj furios de la un opozant al lui BHO. He was furios about BHO ca nu e fericit cu steagul american, ca se paorta ca un viitor dictator si a trebuit sa-si faca steagul lui: the „O” flag…..comentatorul spune: yeah, that would be just about right, IF….. that would not be the OHIO flag!!!!!

    Voi vota impotriva lui BHO devreme, Luni dimineata….dar astfel de remarci si actiuni nu ajuta de loc, dimpotriva…..

    PS laptopul mi-a fost furat din masina joi seara, in London, dintr-o parcare cu plata din spatele unui restaurant unde am fost cu ceva fosti colegi de facultate….eu sper sa nu imi poata fi accesate passwordurile….de fapt le-am si schimbat….asa ca singurul lucru pe care il vor vedea, sint sute de poze cu ciini, prieteni, familie, etc………. 😦

  23. julia Says:

    prea des am fost fortata sa votez ‘impotriva’ cuiva, nu ‘pentru’ cineva! am obosit! …..oare politica a fost asa de cind lumea? poate ca oamenii mari ramasi in istorie s-au dovedit ‘mari’ dupa ce au fost si ei alesi doar prin vot ‘impotriva’ oponentului lor….

  24. Roxana Iordache Says:

    @julia. Îmi pare rău pentru laptopul tău! Totuşi, nu ştiu de ce consideri că mesajul respectiv nu e potrivit? Vine de la un alegător, nu de la echipa lui McCain. Oricum, sunt lucuri pe care oamenii trebuie să le ştie. Iar adresa la Ohio e foarte bună, oportună, după părerea mea.

    Te cred cu privire la votul negativ. Totuşi, evaluează candidaţii pe care îi aveţi voi acolo în colegiul America, poate te convinge cineva. Mai ales că sunt români dintre voi, stabiliţi în ultimii ani sau de mai mulţi ani, aşa că se presupune că voi îi cunoaşteţi mai bine.

  25. julia Says:

    roxana…mesajul e potrivit….numai ca are o greseala fatala in el….care il anuleaza…asta spuneam. daca am folosi doar mesajul potrivit, ar fi bine, pentru ca ar prinde la multi…si paote i-ar intoarce si pe cei tineri la ratiune. Dar asa entuziam descreierat, patima fara ratiune, stiri fara acoperire, ignoranta si extremism ne pun pe cei care NU il vrem pe BHO sa cistige in inferioruitate si nu au atractia pe care scontam. atit.

    Cu parere de rau iti spun ca cel putin comunitatea romana din Houston este pentru mine inexistenta. Putini sint cei care cred eu ca merita cunoscuti…si dintre ei de abia stiu eu vreo trei…..nu m-am bazat si nu ma bazez pe ei….

  26. Marius Mina Says:


  27. din Chicago Says:

    Nu cred ca as vota pe cineva din colegiile de aici. Majoritatea romanilor de aici nu vad nimic mai mult decit Basescu + gasca pd-l-ista. Restul, nu conteaza; ca ai simpatii pnl, psd, sau orice alta culoare, esti facut rapid timpit, incult politic, comunist smd. Nu se citeste decit Evenimentul Zilei (poate Cotidianul, dar fara prea multa rivna). Am prieteni cu care nici vorba sa deschidem subiecte de politica romaneasca! Prefer sa-mi pastrez opiinile, acesta fiind si motivul pentru care in problemele de politica romaneasca de pe blogul tau prefer sa tac. Nici nu cred ca tipii isi vor face campanie. Oricum nu am mai votat de cind am parasit Romania. Am spus ca ne mai fiind acolo nu mai am dreptul moral sa ma amestec.

  28. din Chicago Says:

    PS Cind am spus „pe aici”, m-am referit la cei din zona Chicago cu care am intrat in contact, si un grup smnificativ din zona NY.
    Deci nu am nici un fel de intentie generalizez.

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